6th Cell Tracking Challenge Edition at ISBI 2021

The sixth challenge edition has been organized as part of ISBI 2021 held virtually in April 2021. In this edition, the primary focus has been put on methods that exhibit better generalizability and work across most, if not all, of the 13 already existing datasets, instead of developing methods optimized for one or a few datasets only. Apart from this primary track that prioritized highly competitive methods only, there was also a second track running that allowed anyone to compete over the datasets of their choice without the hunt for generalizability across multiple datasets. The submissions for both tracks have been collected, evaluated, and announced at the corresponding ISBI 2021 challenge workshop according to the following schedule:

October 30th, 2020The qualification, evaluation, and ranking criteria for the sixth challenge edition are released.
November 1st, 2020The pre-registration period for the sixth challenge edition is opened
November 30th, 2020
January 15th, 2021
New silver reference segmentation annotations for 13 existing training datasets are released
December 31st, 2020
The pre-registration period for the sixth challenge edition is closed
January 15th, 2021Pre-registered competitors, who passed the primary track qualification criteria, are announced
February 25th, 2021The registration period for the secondary track of the sixth challenge edition is closed
March 1st, 2021Deadline for submitting results to both the primary and secondary tracks, including algorithm implementations, detailed descriptions of the approaches, and parameters used
April 13th, 2021ISBI 2021 Challenge Workshop
May-June 2021Validation of the results submitted by re-running the respective algorithms on our evaluation servers


Primary Track (subject to qualification)


Secondary Track (no qualification required)